The Board of Directors and Committee Members
Top row, Prita Mohendra, Che-Hwa Wang, Elena Allen, Shirley Bludau, Sheela Rao. Seated, Shaila Patel, Nanako Tingleaf, Viji Raman, Audrey Charlton, Dinah Kilgore (Missing Anita Muller, Shushila Mathew, Meher Imtiaz)
Two-three weeks before the program members receive notice via Evite. Please check your email to verify the invitation hasn't gone to spam. Not getting the notice? Let us know.
If you would like to register and are not a member or on our email list, send us an email.
Look for our full calendar on our Events page. Keep checking for updates and look at our Facebook page.
10:15AM to 12:30PM RSVP to the Evite
Shirley Bludau, Ichiyo Instructor, will challenge us to create a dramatic arrangement using minimal materials. We will also have a brief Cha...
10:15AM to 12:30PM RSVP to the Evite
October: Sushila Mathew explaining an Ohara landscape arrangement
Shaila with her Sogetsu arrangement
November: Morimono with Sushila Mathew
Sushila's image of mountain to sea in the landscape
All set for interesting morimono table settings for Thanksgiving
December: Jeff Yoshida class on "easy" kintsugi repairing
January: Sushila Mathew with her beautiful New Year's arrangement for our workshop on Winter Branches
Panta Beverly - Amazing branches found in a parking lot
Our friendly, talented group!
February: Leaf manipulation, braiding and weaving with Patricia O'Reilly from Dallas with Doan Than Nguyen
Equisetum and aspidistra dancing - just waiting for the addition of flowers
February: Live zoom excitement!
Welcome to the new Program Year. Kelty Crain, a long-time Garden Club of America Judge and Sogetsu member, will help us create playful and dramatic arrangements using leaf manipulation. If you are not on our Evite list, let us know you would like to attend: houikebana12@gmail.
This will be a holiday themed workshop hosted by Prita. Mohendra. It is only open to members at all levels. We ask you to bring your own container, kenzan and plant materials for a surprise challenge.
Karen Chang, senior Ikenobo teacher and Ikenobo Instructor at the Taiwan Institute, will help us ring in the Chinese Lunar New Year
This will be a private docent led tour of the Japanese Garden at Hermann Park followed by a silent auction of containers, conversation and refreshments at Cherie Flores.
The club always closes out the year with the installation of the new board at our May luncheon. Come say goodbye before the summer break. Location TBD
Many thanks to the Hermann Park Conservancy's Landscape staff for a very informative tour of the Japanese Garden. They shared several stories of the long awaited visit from the Japanese gardeners who help maintain the garden's Japanese spirit with their regular visits. The COVID crises had kept them away for several years and the garden looked brilliantly renewed by the end of their visit.
Thanks to Molly, Prita, Linda, Elena, Panta, Adel and Che. It took a village and we had a terrific meeting. Che's arrangements for our silent auction of containers helped the sale and beautified the room along with Karen's lovely arrangements.
There are 69 II chapters in the North and Central American Region (NCAR). Check out their site to find out what chapters are doing in their cities. Plus, enjoy ikebana virtual tours on their Facebook site.
A digital version is available to full members, with the site password, on the I.I. headquarters website:
Wow, we were able to get together for our last meeting of the 20-21 club year. It was a fun time.
An informative and fun day with a delicious luncheon at the Consul General's home. Thank you to Consul General and Aurora San.